Numerics88 Solutions

Numerical Solutions For Medical Image Analysis

Numerics88 Solutions Ltd provides finite element analysis tools for application to 3D micro-computed tomography data. The goal is to provide high-performance finite element solutions for easy workflow using large volumetric image data sets.

If using this software, please cite: Knowles NK, Neeteson N, Boyd SK, 2022. High performance multi-platform computing for large-scale image-based finite element modeling of bone. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 225, 107051.

The company was established in 2010 as a spin-off from the University of Calgary. In 2020 it reverted back to being a project in the Bone Imaging Laboratory The finite element software, named FAIM, has been applied for bone research since the early 2000's, and focuses on using micro-computed tomography data as input to non-invasively estimate bone strength. Applications range from micro-computed tomography high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (e.g., XtremeCT).