1. Department/Group Policy
2. Additional Income Details
3. Salary Info
Inputs are lab policy in section #1 and trainee's awards and/or TA positions in section #2. Output is trainee salary in section #3.

NOTE: In section #2 we enter pro-rated award amounts. We would enter $15,000 for a one-time award of $5,000, but for an NSERC scholarship simply enter the annual ammount (e.g. $17,500).

1. Department/Group Policy
Minimum Stipend: Minimum annual guaranteed stipend.
Minimum Supplement: Minimum supplement, regardless of total awards.
Percent Share: Fraction of additional funding to trainee; remainder offsets supervisor stipend.
Maximum: Absolute maximum annual funding the student can get. Note this is a placeholder and is not implemented.

2. Additional Income Details
Total Awards: Total awards of trainee, entered pro-rated to annual amount.
Total TA Pay: Trainee income from TA work (e.g. $2,964.80). Note that only 50% the TA salary is used in our calculations.

3. Salary Info
Total Annual Pay: Total trainee income including grant funding, awards, and TA pay.
Grant Supplement (Annual/Term/Monthly): Amount of supplement to trainee from grant funding on an annual, term, or monthly basis.

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