Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 CvtkbonePrettyReportsNice user-targetted summary of vtkbone and some vtk objects
 CvtkboneWin32HeaderManage Windows system differences
 CvtkObjectBase [external]
 CvtkCommand [external]
 CvtkboneErrorWarningObserverSimple observer to catch VTK warnings and errors
 CvtkObject [external]
 CvtkAlgorithm [external]
 CvtkboneMaterialTableAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only vtkboneMaterialTable as output
 CvtkboneGenerateHommingaMaterialTableGenerates a material table corresponding to the Homminga material model
 CvtkboneGenerateHomogeneousMaterialTableGenerates a homogeneous material table
 CvtkboneTensorOfInertiaCalculates the tensor of inertia
 CvtkImageAlgorithm [external]
 CvtkboneAIMReaderRead Scanco .aim files
 CvtkboneDecimateImageReduces the linear dimension by 2 in such a way that values in the input are not interpolated
 CvtkSimpleImageToImageFilter [external]
 CvtkboneImageConnectivityFilterMask regions of image data based on geometric connectivity
 CvtkboneImageConnectivityMapMark regions of image data based on geometric connectivity
 CvtkPolyDataAlgorithm [external]
 CvtkboneOrientationFilterSelect polygons that face a specified direction
 CvtkboneSelectVisiblePointsSelects points that are not obscured by a set of Polygons
 CvtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm [external]
 CvtkboneFiniteElementModelAlgorithmSuperclass for algorithms that produce only vtkboneFiniteElementModel as output
 CvtkboneAbaqusInputReaderA class to read Abaqus input files
 CvtkboneCoarsenModelGenerates a reduced-resolution FE model
 CvtkboneFaimVersion5InputReaderRead input files for FAIM finite element solver
 CvtkboneFaimVersion5OutputReaderRead results file from FAIM finite element solver
 CvtkboneFiniteElementModelGeneratorClass for generating a finite element mesh
 CvtkboneApplyTestBaseBase class for applying a test to create a vtkboneFiniteElementModel
 CvtkboneApplyBendingTestGenerates a finite element mesh that corresponds to a bending test
 CvtkboneApplyCompressionTestGenerates a finite element mesh that corresponds to a compression test
 CvtkboneApplyDirectionalShearTestGenerates a finite element mesh that corresponds to a directional shear test
 CvtkboneApplySymmetricShearTestGenerates a finite element mesh that corresponds to a symmetric shear test
 CvtkboneApplyTorsionTestGenerates a finite element mesh that corresponds to a torsion test
 CvtkboneInterpolateCoarseSolutionApplies and interpolates a solution from a coarsed FE model
 CvtkboneN88ModelReaderRead n88model files
 CvtkboneImageToMeshTakes a vtkImageData as input and outputs a vtkUnstructuredGrid of hexahedron cells
 CvtkboneVerifyUnstructuredGridVerifies the consistency of vtkUnstructuredGrid objects
 CvtkWriter [external]
 CvtkboneAbaqusInputWriterWrites an Abaqus input file
 CvtkboneAIMWriterWrites Scanco .aim files
 CvtkboneFaimVersion5InputWriterWrites faim finite element input file
 CvtkboneN88ModelWriterWrites an n88model file
 CvtkboneConstraintConstraint for a finite element mesh
 CvtkboneConstraintUtilitiesUseful methods for creating and manipulating constraints
 CvtkboneMaterialAn abstract base class for materials used in finite element models
 CvtkboneLinearAnisotropicMaterialAn object representing a linear anisotropic material
 CvtkboneLinearIsotropicMaterialAn object representing a linear isotropic material
 CvtkboneMaximumPrincipalStrainIsotropicMaterialAn object representing an isotropic maximum principal strain elastoplastic material
 CvtkboneVonMisesIsotropicMaterialAn object representing an isotropic Mohr Coulomb elastoplastic material
 CvtkboneLinearOrthotropicMaterialAn object representing a linear orthotropic material
 CvtkboneMaterialArrayAn abstract base class for materials of materials of the same type
 CvtkboneLinearAnisotropicMaterialArrayAn object representing an array of linear anisotropic materials
 CvtkboneLinearIsotropicMaterialArrayAn object representing a linear isotropic material
 CvtkboneLinearOrthotropicMaterialArrayAn object representing an array of linear orthotropic materials
 CvtkboneNodeSetsByGeometryVarious algorithms to select nodes sets from a mesh by geometry
 CvtkboneReorderDataArrayMethods for reordering an array in place
 CvtkboneSelectionUtilitiesUseful functions for creating and modifying sets of Points and/or Cells
 CvtkboneSolverParametersDescription of a finite element test
 CvtkboneStressStrainMatrixSome calculation functions for stress-strain matrices
 CvtkboneVersionVersioning class for vtkbone
 CvtkCollection [external]
 CvtkboneConstraintCollectionMaintain an unordered list of dataarray objects
 CvtkDataObject [external]
 CvtkboneMaterialTableMaterial Table finite element mesh
 CvtkDataSet [external]
 CvtkPointSet [external]
 CvtkUnstructuredGridBase [external]
 CvtkUnstructuredGrid [external]
 CvtkboneFiniteElementModelData model for finite element meshes